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Die Symptome von vorzeitigem Samenerguss Vorzeitiger Samenerguss, in Fachkreisen auch ejaculatio praecox genannt, ist eine sexuelle Funktionsstörung, von der sehr viele Männer betroffen sind. Ein Freund hat mir Viagra empfohlen, ich habe 50 mg ausprobiert eine halbe 100-mg-Tablette , und es war einfach Klasse. Achte auf den Leistungsdruck und die Spannung die du abbaust, wenn deine Partnerin oder dein Partner deinen Bauch, deine Schenkel, deinen Hintern und andere Körperstellen massiert.
Alle Kategorie Auf Deutsche Porno - Der Samenerguss oder die männliche Ejakulation ist der physiologische Vorgang des stoßweisen Herausschleuderns von Sperma aus der Harnröhre.
Ejakulationsprobleme können jeden Mann sowohl im jungen als auch im reifen Alter betreffen. Sie können körperliche, psychologische sowie gemischte Ursachen haben. Die Medizin kennt viele Arten der Ejakulationsprobleme. Am häufigsten tritt aber der frühzeitige Samenerguss alter auf. Eine verspätete und rückläufige Ejakulation sind äußerst selten. Priligy bestellen gegen frühzeitigen Samenerguss Darunter leiden Männer jeden Alters, die innerhalb von ersten zwei Minuten nach dem Beginn des Geschlechtsaktes oder einer sexuellen Stimulation ihren Höhepunkt erreichen. Dagegen können Tabletten gegen zu frühen Samenerguss eingenommen werden. Bei jungen Männern ist ein zu früher Samenerguss die am häufigsten auftretende Sexualfunktionsstörung. Glücklicherweise gibt es seit ein paar Jahren Tabletten gegen frühzeitigen Samenerguss beim Mann. Laut Statistik leidet ein Mann von drei im Laufe seines Lebens mindestens einmal unter vorzeitigem Samenerguss. Um die Dauer des Geschlechtsaktes zu verlängern, können Sie das Medikament Priligy bestellen ohne Rezept. Die Einnahme dieses Präparates ist nur dann nötig, wenn Ejakulationsprobleme häufig auftauchen. Der vorzeitige Samenerguss hat einen vorübergehenden Charakter. Dank Priligy mit dem aktiven Bestandteil Dapoxetin kann es leicht behoben werden. Eine durchschnittliche Zeit bis zum Orgasmus beim Mann wurde in einer Studie über die Ejakulationszeit herausgefunden. Ergebnisse dieser Studie haben gezeigt, dass die Zeit zum Orgasmus beim Mann während des Geschlechtsaktes im Durchschnitt fünf Minuten beträgt. Eine Frau braucht doppelt so viel Zeit. Männer können bis zu 4 Mal länger im Bett durchhalten, indem sie. Die Therapie mit diesen Tabletten gegen zu frühen Samenerguss verbessert deutlich die sexuelle Ausdauer des Mannes. Die Diagnose vorzeitige Ejakulation wird bei Männern gestellt, die bei jedem Geschlechtsakt innerhalb der zwei Minuten nach der sexuellen Samenerguss alter zum Orgasmus gelangen. Selbstverständlich gibt es viele emotionale und körperliche Ursachen dafür sowie Erkrankungen. Eine der Ursachen dafür kann in einer sexuellen Abstinenz liegen. Beim ersten Mal ejakuliert der Mann selbstverständlich zu früh, beim zweiten und dritten Anlauf dauert der Geschlechtsakt länger. Falls die Ursache für Ejakulationsprobleme beim Mann nicht in einer langen sexuellen Abstinenz liegt, kann man Priligy bestellen. Bevor Sie bei uns das Medikament Priligy bestellen ohne Rezept, müssen Sie unbedingt mit Ihrem Arzt sprechen, um sicher zu sein, ob es keine Gegenanzeigen gibt. Was kann getan werden, wenn Sie Ejakulationsprobleme haben. In jedem Fall ist es äußerst wichtig zu wissen, welche gesundheitlichen Probleme Sie haben. Nur ein Arzt kann eine passende Behandlung verordnen. Hier können Sie das zuverlässige Präparat Priligy bestellen ohne Rezept. Männer mit Ejakulationsproblemen können nicht nur Dapoxetin Tabletten kaufen, sondern auch spezielle Kondome oder Sprays bzw. Cremes mit einer leichten Betäubungswirkung anwenden. Allerdings bleibt Priligy eines der zuverlässigen und sicheren Medikamente gegen Ejakulationsprobleme. In der Online-Apotheke können Sie ohne Rezept und per Banküberweisung oder mit Mastercard, Visa und anderen gängigen Kreditkarten bezahlen. Jeder Kunde kann entweder den Gratisversand oder Expressversand gegen Aufpreis wählen. So, meine Erfahrungen kurz zusammengefasst. Eine Priligy Tablette 2 Stunden vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr mit meiner Frau eingenommen. Ich konnte dreimal so lange wie früher. Ich hatte das Gefühl, ich hätte es länger können. Nebenwirkungen: Samenerguss alter gering, Sodbrennen, beim Sex vergisst man das leicht.
Durchtrennung der genannten Nervenäste dauert es länger bis dann beim Geschlechtsverkehr genügend Reizsignale zum Gehirn gelangen, um dort den Samenerguss zu triggern. Low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: a study in an Indian population. Beim ersten Mal ejakuliert der Mann selbstverständlich zu früh, beim zweiten und dritten Anlauf dauert der Geschlechtsakt länger. Ich habe Viagra gut zwei Stunden vor dem Sex eingenommen, und es war unglaublich! Premature ejaculation, a review of 1130 cases, J. Bei nachgewiesener retrograder Ejakulation wird das Sediment des postmasturbatorischen Urins angereichert und dann die so konzentrierten Spermien zur homologen Insemination bzw.

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Sie sind nicht unser Sauerstoff, ohne den keine Existenz möglich wäre. Ich melde mich nur selten bei ihm, weil ich nicht weiß wie ich das handhaben soll. Meinem Vater kann ich nun einiges verzeihen nach seinem Tod.
Wir schreiben uns auch jeden Tag… bitte helfen sie mir, ich möchte die Hoffung noch nicht aufgeben, dass sich daraus ein liebevolle und dauerhafte Beziehung wird. Z u meinem Geburtstag im März kam auch eine Email,darauf habe Ich nicht mehr geantwortet. Du bekommst ihn nicht zurück.
Mann - Das betrifft übrigens nicht nur Männer, sondern auch Jobs, manchmal auch Freundschaften.
Liebe Leserin, vielleicht kennen Sie das: Sie lernen einen Mann kennen, verbringen eine schöne Zeit mit ihm und es bahnt sich eine feste Beziehung mit ihm an. Er gibt Ihnen das Gefühl, dass diese Beziehung Aussicht auf eine gemeinsame Zukunft hat. Wie oft haben mich Frauen gefragt: Was denkt ihr Männer eigentlich. Im Lauf meiner Tätigkeit als Beziehungscoach stellte ich immer wieder fest: Viele Frauen haben nicht den leisesten Schimmer, was in einem Mann vorgeht. Was er denkt, was er sich insgeheim wünscht. Auf dass er in Ihnen die Frau sieht, die es nur einmal auf dieser Welt gibt - Als die Frau, die er liebt. Mehr Informationen zum Thema finden Sie hier: In diesem Artikel will ich Ihnen einen fundamentalen Grundsatz der Männerpsyche näher bringen. Es geht um die altbekannte Frage: Er meldet sich nicht. Wann ruft er an — oder soll ich ihn anrufen. Um Ihnen das Ganze so anschaulich wie möglich zu gestalten, möchte ich, dass Sie sich einen kleinen Filmausschnitt anschauen. Es ist eine Szene aus dem Film … Sie befinden sich in einer Beziehung mit einem Mann. Sie haben eine schöne Zeit mit ihm, Sie fühlen sich rundum wohl. Gibt es ihn überhaupt, den Richtigen. Und wenn ja, wie sollte er sein. In diesem Artikel möchte ich Ihnen davon erzählen, was es mit dem richtigen Partner auf sich hat. Glücklicherweise gibt es etliche Studien darüber, die sich genau das zum Forschungsziel erklärt haben… Liebe Leserin, In diesem Artikel geht es um die bittere Erfahrung einer Trennung. Der geliebte Partner verlässt einen… Die christian sander er distanziert sich entscheidende Frage ist jetzt: Was soll ich jetzt tun. Was tut man, oder vielmehr Frau, wenn sie verlassen wird. Gibt es einen Ausweg aus dem Jammertal des Liebeskummers. Er hatte ein paar Dinge auf einem Pult vor sich liegen. Als die Vorlesung begann, nahm er ein großes Mayonnaiseglas und füllte es bis zum Rand mit großen Steinen. Anschließend fragte er… Neulich bekam Ich eine Email, in der mir eine Leserin sehr ausführlich von all ihren gescheiterten Beziehungen erzählte und davon, wie respektlos sie teilweise schon von Männern behandelt wurde. Es waren wirklich haarsträubende Dinge, die sie sich von Männern gefallen ließ.
Warum verlieren Männer das Interesse an dir?
Also kümmern wir uns am besten um uns selbst und leben unser Leben und unsere Leidenschaften und Stärken unabhängig von irgendeinem Mann. Ich kann nicht darauf hoffen, dass mich mein Mann glücklich macht. Er hat mir Emails geschrieben wie es mir geht und ich habe immer gleich darauf geantwortet. Doch nach5 Monaten war er wieder mal da und wollte mich sehen. This is a representation of what your Title Tag and Meta Description will look like in Google search results. Ich würde ja jetzt gerne wieder Souverän wirken.

Nora tschirne
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In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted in many regards. The Sixth House is the sphere of apprenticeship and effort in the work environment, daily life, health on a daily basis and not operations or long-term diseases, relationships with co-workers or subordinates, desire for improvement, analysis and detail. From idle but enriching chatters to observation gift, such a dominant endows you with a wide range of expression. But so many struggles looming.
However, do not mix up giving and receiving. On the other hand, you are acknowledged for your decisiveness which commands admiration. Cities: Jerusalem, Warsaw, Alexandria, Seville, Santiago de Compostela. Trees: apple trees, pear trees, fig-trees, cypresses, ash trees.
Astrology and natal chart of Nora Tschirner, born on 1981/06/12 - It is difficult to imagine a more complementary — and opposite — combination of solar and Venusian signs. However, one's intelligence, trustworthiness, and courage win people's respect and affection.
We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you've provided to them or that they've collected from your use of their services. His colour is red, his stone is the heliotrope, his day is Tuesday, and his professions are businessman, policeman, sportsman, surgeon. If your sign is Aries or your Ascendant is Aries: you are courageous, frank, enthusiastic, dynamic, fast, bold, expansive, warm, impulsive, adventurous, intrepid, warlike, competitive, but also nora tschirne, domineering, nora tschirne, impatient, rash, thoughtless, blundering, childish, quick-tempered, daring or primitive. Some traditional associations with Aries: Countries: England, France, Germany, Denmark. Cities: Marseille, Florence, Naples, Birmingham, Wroclaw, Leicester, Nora tschirne, Verona. Food: Leeks, hops, onions, shallots, spices. Herbs and aromatics: mustard, capers, Cayenne pepper, chilli peppers. Flowers and plants: thistles, mint, bryonies, honeysuckles. Trees: hawthorns, thorny trees and bushes. Stones, Metals and Salts: diamonds, iron, potassium phosphate. Her colour is green or nora tschirne, her stone is the emerald, her day is Friday, her professions are cook, artist, estate agent, banker, singer. If your sign is Taurus or your Ascendant is Taurus: you are faithful, constant, sturdy, patient, tough, persevering, strong, focused, sensual, stable, concrete, realistic, steady, nora tschirne, robust, constructive, tenacious. You need security, but you are also stubborn, rigid, possessive, spiteful, materialistic, fixed or slow. Some traditional associations with Taurus: Countries: Switzerland, Greek islands, Ireland, Cyprus, Iran. Cities: Dublin, Palermo, Parma, Luzern, Mantua, Leipzig, Saint Louis, Ischia, Capri. Food: apples, pears, berries, corn and other cereals, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans. Herbs and aromatics: sorrels, spearmint, cloves. Flowers and plants: poppies, roses, digitales, violets, primroses, aquilegia, daisies. Trees: apple trees, pear trees, fig-trees, cypresses, ash trees. Stones, Metals and Salts: copper, calcium and potassium sulphate, emeralds. His colour is green or silver, his stone is the crystal, his day is Wednesday, his professions are journalist, lawyer, presenter, dancer, salesman, travel agent, teacher. If your sign is Gemini or if your Ascendant is Gemini: you are expressive, lively, adaptable, quick-witted, humorous, sparkling, playful, sociable, clever, curious, whimsical, independent, polyvalent, brainy, flexible, ingenious, imaginative, charming, fanciful but also capricious, scattered, moody, shallow, inquisitive, opportunistic, unconcerned, selfish, fragile, ironical or changeable. Some traditional associations with Gemini: Countries: Belgium, Wales, United-States, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, Armenia. Cities: London, Plymouth, Cardiff, Melbourne, San Francisco, Nuremberg, Bruges, Versailles. Animals: monkeys, butterflies, parrots, budgerigars. Food: dried fruits, chestnuts, ground-level vegetables: peas, broad beans, etc. Herbs and aromatics: aniseed, marjoram, lemon balm, cumin. Flowers and plants: lilies of the valley, lavenders, myrtle, ferns, Venus-hair-ferns, bittersweets. Trees: nut trees such as chestnut trees. Stones, Metals and Salts: agates, mercury, silicas and potashes. Her colour is white or black, her stone is the moonstone, her day is Monday, her professions are catering, the hotel trade, property, antique dealer, archaeologist. If your sign is Cancer or your Ascendant is Cancer: you are emotional, sentimental, peaceful, imaginative, sensitive, faithful, resistant, protective, vulnerable, generous, romantic, nostalgic, tender, poetic-minded, motherly or fatherly, dreamy, indolent, greedy, devoted but also timorous, unrealistic, evasive, passive, anxious, dependent, stubborn, moody, passive, lazy, touchy, stay-at-home or inaccessible. Some traditional associations with Cancer: Countries: Holland, Scotland, North and West Africa, New-Zealand, Paraguay, Algeria. Cities: Amsterdam, Manchester, Tokyo, New York, Istanbul, Stockholm, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Cadix, Alger, Tunis, Bern, Magdeburg. Animals: crabs, animals with shells. Food: milk, fishes, watery fruits and vegetables, turnips, white and red cabbages. Herbs and aromatics: tarragon, verbena, saxifrage. Flowers and plants: geraniums, white roses and white flowers in general, water lilies, morning glory, bear's breeches, and lilies. Trees: all trees full of sap. Stones, Metals and Salts: pearls, silver, lime and calcium phosphate. His colour is gold or orange, his stone is the diamond, his day is Sunday, his professions are actor, manager, jeweller, fashion and arts, and action e. If your sign is Leo nora tschirne your Ascendant is Leo: you are proud, determined, strong-willed, loyal, solemn, generous, ambitious, courageous, heroic, conquering, creative, confident, seductive, happy, daring, fiery, majestic, honest, magnanimous, charismatic, responsible, noble, dramatic but also domineering, vain, susceptible, bossy, stubborn, intolerant, self-centred, violent, quick-tempered, nonchalant. Some traditional associations with Leo: Countries: Italy, Romania, Sicily, Czechoslovakia, Iraq, Lebanon, Southern France. Cities: Rome, Prague, Bombay, Madrid, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Syracuse, Damas. Animals: lions and felines in general. Food: meat and especially red meat, rice, honey, cereals, grapes, iron-rich vegetables: watercress, spinach etc. Herbs and aromatics: saffron, mint, rosemary, common rue Ruta graveolens. Flowers and plants: marigolds, sunflowers, celandines, passion flowers. Trees: palm trees, laurel, walnuts, olive trees, lemon and orange trees. Stones, Metals and Salts: gold, rubies, magnesium and sodium phosphate. Her colour is green or yellow, her stone is the agate, her day is Wednesday, her professions are accountant, secretary, writer, computer scientist, nurse, doctor. If your sign is Virgo or your Ascendant is Virgo: you are brainy, perspicacious, attentive to detail and numbers, analytical, serious, competent, scrupulous, sensible, modest, logical, tidy, well-organized, clean, hard-working, provident, honest, faithful, reserved, shy, helpful, a perfectionist, but also narrow-minded, calculating, irritating, petty, anxious, cold, repressed or caustic. Some traditional associations with Virgo: Countries: Brazil, Greece, Turkey, West Indies, United-States the same as GeminiYugoslavia, Crete, Mesopotamia, Lower Silesia, State of Virginia. Cities: Paris, Boston, Athens, Lyon, Corinthia, Heidelberg, spa towns in general. Animals: dogs, cats and all pets. Food: root vegetables: carrots, celeriac, kohlrabies, potatoes etc. Also dried fruits such as chestnuts. Herbs and aromatics: the same as Gemini whose ruler is Mercury too, lilies of the valley, lavenders, myrtles, ferns, Venus-hair-ferns, bittersweets, clovers. Flowers and plants: small bright-coloured flowers, especially blue and yellow, such as dandelions, buttercups, yellow dead-nettles, buglosses, forget-me-nots ; cardamoms, oak leaves, acorns. Trees: all nut trees, e. Stones, Metals and Salts: sards red agatemercury, nickel, potassium sulphate and iron phosphate. His colour is blue or red not too brighthis stone is the opal, his day nora tschirne Friday, his professions are in the beauty, luxury or fashion industry, musician, artistic creator, lawyer, mediator. If your sign is Libra or your Nora tschirne is Libra: you are sentimental, charming, polite, refined, loyal, a pacifist, fair, distinguished, light-hearted, romantic, learned, ethereal, nice, well-groomed, a perfectionist, calm, sweet, tolerant, sociable, elegant, considerate, seductive, aesthetic, indulgent, but also hesitant, weak, indecisive, selfish, fragile, fearful, indolent, cool or even insensitive. Some traditional associations with Libra: Countries: Japan, Canada, Indo-China, South Pacific Islands, Burma, Argentina, Upper Egypt, Tibet. Cities: Lisbon, Vienna, Frankfurt, Leeds, Nottingham, Johannesburg, Antwerp, Fribourg. Animals: lizards and small reptiles. Food: berries, apples, pears, grapes, artichokes, asparagus, beans, spices, corn and other cereals. Herbs and aromatics: mint, Cayenne pepper. Flowers and plants: hydrangea, big nora tschirne, blue flowers and those associated with Taurus also ruled by Venus, namely, poppies, digitales, violets, primroses, aquilegia, and daisies. Trees: ash trees, poplars, apple trees, pear trees, fig-trees, cypresses. Stones, Metals and Salts: sapphires, jade, copper, potassium and sodium phosphate. Her colour is black or dark red, her stone is the malachite, her day is Tuesday, her professions are gynaecologist, psychiatrist, detective, the military, army, stockbroker, asset managemer. If your sign is Scorpio or your Ascendant is Scorpio: you are secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, nora tschirne, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centred, complex, jealous. Some traditional associations with Scorpio: Countries: Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal. Cities: Washington, New Orleans, Valencia, Liverpool, Milwaukee, Fes, Halifax, Hull, Cincinnati. Animals: insects and other invertebrates. Food: the same strong tasting food as for Aries: red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices. Herbs and aromatics: aloes, witch hazels, nepeta, mustard, capers, peppers. Flowers and plants: geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckles. Stones, Metals and Salts: opals, steel and iron, calcium and sodium sulphate. His nora tschirne is indigo, orange or red, his stone is the carbuncle, his day is Thursday, his professions are explorer, commercial traveller, pilot, philosopher, writer, clergyman. If your sign is Sagittarius or your Ascendant is Sagittarius: you are charismatic, fiery, energetic, likeable, benevolent, tidy, nora tschirne, optimistic, extraverted, amusing, straightforward, demonstrative, charming, independent, adventurous, straightforward, bold, exuberant, freedom-loving, nora tschirne also angry, egotistical, authoritarian, inconstant, unfaithful, brutal, unreliable, unconscious, tactless, or derogatory. Some traditional associations with Sagittarius: Countries: Spain, Australia, Hungary, South Africa, Arabia, Yugoslavia. Cities: Stuttgart, Toledo, Budapest, Cologne, Avignon, Sheffield, Naples, Toronto. Animals: fallow deers, hinds, and the family Cervidae. Food: grapefruits, raisins, onions, leeks, bulb vegetables. Herbs and aromatics: aniseeds, sage, bilberries, cinnamon, borage, mosses, sage, blueberry, patience, balsam. Flowers and plants: dandelions, carnations, thistles. Trees: mulberry trees, chestnut trees, ash trees, lemon trees, oaks. Stones, Metals and Salts: topaz, tin, silica, potassium chloride. Her colour is black, or nora tschirne, green or brown, her stone is the jade, her day is Saturday, her professions are politician, researcher, jurist, scientist, engineer, administrator. If your sign is Capricorn or your Ascendant is Capricorn: you are serious, cold, disciplined, patient, focused, thoughtful, ambitious, indomitable, cautious, lucid, persistent, provident, steady, introverted, stern, wilful, hard-working, responsible, nora tschirne, honest, realistic, loyal, reserved, resolute, moralistic, quiet, rigorous, attached and reliable. But you may also be curt, withdrawn, calculating, petty, cruel, unpleasant, ruthless, selfish, dull, rigid, slow or sceptical. Some traditional associations with Capricorn: Countries: India, Mexico, Afghanistan, Macedonia, Thrace, the Yugoslavian coast, the Orkneys and Shetland Islands, Albania, Bulgaria, Saxony. Cities: Delhi, Oxford, Brussels, Mexico, Port-Saïd, Gent, Constance, Nora tschirne, all the administrative centres of capital cities. Animals: goats, pigs and animals with split hooves. Food: meat, potatoes, barley, beets, spinach, medlars, onions, quinces, flour and starchy food in general. Herbs and aromatics: indian hemp, comfreys, centaureas, hemlocks, henbanes. Flowers and plants: ivies, wild pansies, amaranths, pansies. Trees: pines, willows, flowering ashes, aspens, poplars, alders. Stones, Metals and Salts: turquoises, amethysts, silver, lead, calcium phosphate, calcium fluorine. His colour is navy blue or indigo, his stone is the sapphire, his day is Saturday, his professions are astrologer, high technologies, scientist, astronaut, psychiatrist, actor, electrician. If your sign is Aquarius or your Ascendant is Aquarius: you are idealistic, altruistic, detached, independent, original, surprising, gifted, contradictory, innovative, humanistic, likeable, friendly, self-confident, impassive, quiet, intuitive, creative, charitable, elusive, disconcerting, generous, tolerant, paradoxical, and you cannot stand any kind of constraint. But you may also be marginal, resigned, distant, utopian, maladjusted, eccentric and cold. Some traditional associations with Aquarius: Countries: Russia, Nora tschirne, Poland, Israel, Iran, Abyssinia. Cities: Moscow, Salzburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Saint Petersburg. Animals: long distance big birds such as the albatross. Food: citrus fruits, apples, limes, dried fruits and easily preserved food. Herbs and aromatics: peppers, hot red peppers, star-fruits, and generally herbs that are spicy or with an unusual flavour. Flowers and plants: orchids, dancing ladies, polygonatum. Stones, Metals and Salts: aquamarines, aluminium, sodium chloride and magnesium phosphate. Her colour is green or purple or turquoise blue, her stone is the amethyst, her day is Thursday, her professions are seamanship and and faraway travels, musician, social and emergency worker, doctor, nora tschirne and jobs in remote places. If your sign is Pisces or your Ascendant is Pisces: you are emotional, sensitive, dedicated, adaptable, nice, wild, compassionate, romantic, imaginative, flexible, opportunist, intuitive, impossible to categorized, irrational, seductive, placid, secretive, introverted, pleasant, artistic, and charming. But you may also be indecisive, moody, confused, wavering, lazy, scatterbrained, vulnerable, unpredictable and gullible. Some traditional associations with Pisces: Countries: Portugal, Scandinavia, small Mediterranean islands, Gobi desert, Sahara. Cities: Jerusalem, Warsaw, Alexandria, Seville, Santiago de Compostela. Animals: fishes, nora tschirne mammals and all animals living in the water. Food: melons, cucumbers, lettuces, vegemite sugar, pumpkins. Herbs and aromatics: lemon, chicory, limes, mosses. Flowers and plants: water lilies, willows, aquatic plants. Trees: fig-trees, willows, aquatic trees. Stones, Metals and Salts: heliotropes, moonstone, platinum, tin, iron phosphate and potassium sulphate. The Sun represents vitality, individuality, will-power and creative energy and honours. nora tschirne For a woman, it also represents her father, and later her husband. The Sun is one of the most important symbols in the birth chart, as much as the Ascendant, then the Moon a bit less for a manthe ruler of the Ascendant and the fast-moving planets. It's element is fire; it is hot and dry, it governs Leo, is in exaltation in Aries and is in analogy with the heart. It represents the boss, authority, beside the father and the husband ; the age of the Sun goes from 20 years old to about 40, following the Venus age when one is aware of his seductive power. Temperament : Bilious Characterology : Emotive, Active, Secondary, passionate type. Sun in Gemini With your outgoing nature and your inquisitive mind, you are made for communications. Your will to process information endows you with a sociable character, a pleasant and often courteous demeanour. Although there is a danger that you may scatter your energy, you focus your attention on each and every novelty. Your mobile mind works wonders when your activities demand a variety of capacities. Indeed, how is it possible to discover without searching and to be enriched without interacting. Are you considered to be superficial. Gemini wants to embrace everything because everything may prove useful. This diversification ability is very helpful in relationships: chatting always produces something interesting. You are always comfortable in any communication position. More than anyone, you can leap at an opportunity subtly suggested during a debate. After several trials, you can also uncover solutions that remained unidentified. However, although diversification is fine, scattering may be risky. Therefore, it is important for you to limit your field of activities and to focus on the pieces already collected, to standardize and to synthesize them. Sun Dominant If the Sun is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Solarian: you loathe pettiness and Machiavellian manoeuvre, and you are fond of natural nobleness as well as of direct and honest attitudes. You endeavour to get out of muddled or dark situations as quickly as possible. Your need for transparency may lead you to make cut-and-dried judgments such as yes or no, and black or white. However, your honesty commands your entourage's consideration. At times, you come across as authoritarian. nora tschirne It is true that you never want to be thought of the notable absentee, and that you manage to make people pay attention to you, as well as to your plans and your assessments. To this end, the Solarian sometimes develops a great talent for placing himself under the spotlight without missing a single opportunity to arouse interest. Some other Solarians, although more discreet, still manage to be the focus of any debate, even in situations of exclusion. It is your way of being present even though you are actually not there. More than other people, you appreciate the esteem extended to you. It is useless to cheat with you, since in all areas you consider establishing enduring relationships only with those who love you, admire you, respect you, or express some degree nora tschirne affection to you. Your will to straighten out your inter-personal relationships is your strength and sometimes, your Achilles' heel. You cannot achieve anything behind the scenes. Therefore, your comportment is marked with heroism, and your stands are devoid of ambiguity, in the sense that nora tschirne commitments are unfailing, and your rebuffs, final. Success can be achieved in the arts, and particularly in poetry, singing and music, or painting. nora tschirne Marriage and family life are blessed with good luck. However, the body is sensitive to humidity, and one must try to live in dry locations. In solar revolution charts, this degree on the Midheaven heralds a big inheritance. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. The Moon represents instinctive reaction, unconscious predestination, everyday mood, sensitivity, emotions, the feminine side of the personality, intuition, imagination. For a man, she represents his mother and later his wife, and nora tschirne relationship with women in general. For a woman, the Moon is almost as important as the Sun and the Ascendant. Her element is water, she is cold and moist, she rules Cancer, is in exaltation in Taurus and is in analogy with the stomach. She symbolizes the mother, wife, the crowd, the Moon is associated with birth and childhood. Tradition also matches her with the end of life, after Saturn the old age, it is thus customary to go back to one's place of birth to die: the end of life meets the very beginning. Temperament : Lymphatic Characterology : Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Non-Emotive, nora tschirne Active and Primary, Nervous or Amorphous type. Moon in Libra On the day and at the time of your birth, the Moon was in the sign of Libra. Your nature is sociable and you are keen to maintain harmony in your environment. Because you pick up the moods of the people who surround you, you can be diplomatic. As you adopt the characteristics of your environment, your may become vulnerable. Moon Dominant If the Moon is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Lunarian: the driving force behind your actions is mainly the pursuit of well-being and tranquillity. Your sensitive and romantic self lives on those periods of rest during which you let your imagination wander at will. This is your way of finding inspiration and balance. Nothing nora tschirne allowed to disturb your feeling of fulfilment and security within a harmonious cell, be it a family or a clan. More than other people, the Lunarian is attached to those moments during which one forgets one's worries and lets oneself cast adrift aimlessly, with no other goal than to be lulled into an ambiance, a situation, or a perfect moment. Many people do not understand such absences and their meaning, which is to regain strength. These people readily describe you with such unflattering terms as apathy and nonchalance. Some inspirations require surrendering as well as striking a balance derived from alternate action and passivity. Your qualities are expressed to the fullest in situations which demand familiarity and privacy. Your capacities to respect and blend into your environment is at least as valuable nora tschirne some other people's aggressive dispositions. However, you are well-advised to avoid indolence and renunciation out of laziness or indifference. Success and wealth are achieved owing to one's good-looking features and sex-appeal. However, if the natal chart indicates strong moral and intellectual qualities, thanks to a devoted mentor, and although one never asked for it, one achieves considerable success and prosperity and remains simple and nice. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Mercury represents communication, logical and rational mind, intellectual skills. Earth is its element, it is cold and dry, nora tschirne it rules Virgo and Gemini, is in exaltation in Virgo and is in analogy with the arms, hands, nervous system. It represents tradesmen, lawyers, messengers; the age of Mercury goes from 8 or10 years old to about 15. Temperament : Nervous Characterology : Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Non-Emotive, Active and Primary, Nervous or Sanguine type. Mercury in Cancer Mercury describes your relations, your communication skills and the way you relate nora tschirne the external world. However, other astrological elements also influence these areas. The sign Mercury occupies is significant only if Mercury is part of your planetary dominantes. In your chart, Mercury is in Cancer. Your intellect and your sensitivity are indissociable. Your behaviours are influenced by ambiances and by emotions aroused as you contact other people. You assimilate through feelings and images. Communication means exchanging your perceptions and conveying emotions. To be able to follow you and to understand you, a strong sensitivity is required: hence, your selectivity regarding your relationships. Mercury Dominant If Mercury is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Mercurian: the tradition points out the importance of communication. From idle but enriching chatters to observation gift, such a dominant endows you with a wide range of expression. Human beings have one thousand facets and one thousand masks they wear according to circumstances and the fortunes of the game of life. You take the role of an observer who is avid for novelties, discoveries, and surprises. Everything catches your attention and becomes an opportunity for new encounters, relationships, and learning. The world amazes you, amuses you sometimes, and stimulates your curiosity. Because the most important thing is to discover, and because you consider that each new situation is packed with potentialities, you try to fill the gaps in your knowledge. Although your open-mindedness may scatter your centres of interest, it also enables you to carefully avoid sticking to only one immutable and rigid view. The slightest sign enables you to perceive the other side of the coin, as well as the infinite complexity of people and of situations. On the human plane, you seek the dialogue and the information without which you know that you are not able to fully grasp the nature of your interlocutor. nora tschirne This keen interest in the Unknown sharpens your inter-relational skills. All these qualities are traditionally associated with Mercury. In females' charts, this degree indicates disappointment in love owing to misplaced trust. In males' charts, women are the source of sorrow. For both genders, travels and trade are protected and bring about prosperity. Nevertheless, if in the natal chart, the Moon is in conjunction with this degree and in hard aspect with Saturn, it portends dangers related to water. A precocious marriage is possible. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. nora tschirne Venus represents the way one loves, relationships, sharing, affectivity, seductive ability. For men, she also corresponds to the kind of woman he's attracted to but not especially nora tschirne marriage which is more symbolized by the Moon, Venus is the lover and not the wife. Her element is the Air, she is moist, rules Taurus and Nora tschirne, is in exaltation in Pisces and is in analogy with the kidneys, the venous system, the bladder, the neck. She represents the artists, tradesmen, occupations linked to beauty and charm; the age of Venus goes from 15 to about 25 years old. Temperament : Sanguine and Lymphatic Characterology : Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Emotive, non Active and Secondary type. Venus in Cancer Nora tschirne describes your affective life. On the day of your birth, she is found in Cancer. Emotions and nora tschirne are indissociable from your imagination, your nora tschirne and your inner life. There is something romantic and fabulous in the way you experience love. You can really feel passion only within a subtle, refined and quite mysterious relationship. In love, your imagination has unlimited powers. Tenderness is the key to your sentimental fulfilment. You dread violent passions and storms and you strive to fulfil your needs for gentleness and harmony. For you, love is a refuge. You treasure the security of your couple cell and you protect the intimacy and the secrets of your relationship. Feelings make you dream… Your affectivity is romantic nora tschirne whimsical. Whims are of course the indispensable ingredients of your sentimental life, its salt and sugar. However, you may pour too much salt in your affectivity. You become the victim of your mood swings and strange desires overwhelm your thoughts. Your romantic sensitivity requires its fair share of dreams and mystery. Better than anyone, you create an atmosphere of sweet intimacy, which is the basis of a fulfilled love relationship, even, and above all, in the everyday life. Venus Dominant If Venus is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Venusian: you are a sensual and emotional person particularly receptive to the natural likes and dislikes aroused by your contact with people. You are prone to frequent instinctive aversions and true passions which are exclusively driven by the feeling of love. The heart has its reasons which Reason knows nothing of. Your balance is based on the richness of your affective life. Without love, the Venusian is resourceless, lost, and deprived of any reason for living. You have an obvious and strong will to charm and to arouse the attachments without which you cannot properly function. Every area of your life is thus marked by your affectivity. In such cases, you would prefer to keep your emotions under better control. Thus, hyper-sensitivity has its own inconveniences. Nevertheless, better than anyone else, you know how to play with feelings and attractions. Although you are sometimes caught in the traps of an over sensitive emotionalism, feelings remain your best assets in many circumstances. There is another aspect to the Venusian dominant. According to the Tradition, this planet rules the Arts, and you are endowed with some degree of artistic dispositions, ranging from good to excellent. This degree brings about dexterity, fertility, and fulfilled life. One has the ability to bring one's work to a successful conclusion. Although one is unlikely to enjoy fame, one achieves successes which go beyond one's ambitions, and one earns the esteem of nora tschirne entourage. There is a danger of accidents caused by a weapon or a working tool. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy, sexuality, strength. For a woman, Mars corresponds to the kind of man she's attracted to but not especially in marriage which is rather symbolized by the Sun, Mars is the lover, not the husband. Fire is its element, it is hot and dry, and it rules Aries and Scorpio along with Plutois in exaltation with Capricorn and is in analogy with the muscles and the spleen. It represents the soldiers, sportsmen, warriors, surgeons, blacksmiths. Temperament : Bilious Characterology : Emotive, Active, Primary type. Mars in Gemini The planet Mars indicates how you react to life concrete stimulations. It also describes your fighting spirit, your abilities to stand for yourself and to take action. With Mars in Gemini, for you, action is an on-going movement. Your decisions are quick and usually well adapted to the situation. There is an element of unpredictability in your behaviours. When you have an idea, you must implement it straight away. Language is your favourite weapon and talks are your principal means of action. You react very quickly to any stimulation. You prefer to look for another solution and to nora tschirne a new approach. In any case, no one can blame you for your stubbornness. Mars Dominant If Mars is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Marsian: in your hand-to-hand struggle for life, you demonstrate an acute and active sense of confrontation with the world, with other people, and with your own destiny. You need to take action and to fight for your projects and your desires. You perceive all situations with deep intensity, and you react to the here and now without bothering to step back in order to ensure that events are under your control. You take up challenges with excessive foolhardiness as a consequence of your impulsiveness. However, better than anyone else, you know how to mobilise your resources in case of crisis. You take action whenever it is necessary to do so, and you are present in a timely manner. With Mars, your attitudes are dictated by the realities of the moment, by your emotions, and by everything which proved to have worked in the past. When this dominant is not well integrated, it may bring about an aggressive or impulsive behaviour. Therefore, you must learn to control your hyper-sensitivity and your fits of temper. You are also endowed with Marsian qualities: the fighting spirit and the taste for duel without which one may find oneself overwhelmed by events. When this willpower is well channelled, its precious energy enables to cope with all sorts of contingencies. Nora tschirne are a thousand ways to win, and a thousand challenges to take up with the enthusiasm and the dynamism which make life so worthy. A certain idea of life which is wild, passionate, and in tune with events. This degree indicates a host of qualities nora tschirne almost unlimited possibilities. Success, fame, and wealth can be achieved in such different occupations as law, science, literature, education, trade, sports, and entertainment. One is happily nora tschirne and enjoys a good health. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give nora tschirne meanings to symbolic degrees. Nora tschirne is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Jupiter represents expansion and power, benevolence, large vision and generosity. Its element is Air, it is hot and moist, and it rules Sagittarius and Pisces along with Neptuneis in exaltation with Cancer and is in analogy with the hips and endocrinal system. It represents the governors, magistrates, professors, religious men too; the age of Jupiter goes from 50 to 55 or even 70 years old. Temperament : Sanguine Characterology : Emotive, Active, Primary type; it nora tschirne an extrovert Choleric. Actually the humid version of Mars, inclined to action like him. Jupiter in Libra The planet Jupiter nora tschirne expansion, broadness and generosity. Jupiter is associated with the functions of synthesis, enthusiasm and optimism. In your natal chart, his house position is more important than his sign position because, like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, he is a slow planet. Many people born in the same period have Jupiter in the same sign. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the so-called fast planets, i. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. Jupiter in Libra endows you with sociability, popularity and charm. You are very appreciated because your nora tschirne and your generosity naturally prompt nora tschirne to compromise in all things: what is important to you is not to have the last word, but to nora tschirne an nora tschirne with your entourage and to establish nice relationships with them. You are diplomatic and your sense of justice is expressed in a humanistic and benevolent way. Jupiter Dominant If Jupiter is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Jupiterian: because this planet brings about a keen interest in social and professional nora tschirne, the Tradition considers it to be beneficial. Indeed, you know how to adjust to events and to jump at the chance when it arises. The members of your entourage gladly entrust you with high responsibilities because they are often impressed by your learning skills and your adaptation abilities as you deal with new structures and new languages. What is the secret of your good star. It is your self-confidence which wins public nora tschirne. Now, what is the secret of your charm. Definitely, enthusiasm, euphoria, and exaltation. When this dominant is well integrated, it is a factor of affluence and optimism, and a certain degree of joviality enables you to easily fit into various nora tschirne. It constitutes your main asset to manage your life. However, you must at times curb your desire for integration, lest your sense of opportunity turns into extreme opportunism. Here also, the key to success lies in a correct estimate of everyone's chances and possibilities. Although management is one of your forte, and you can adjust your objectives to current realities better than other people, you lack the hindsight which enables you to avoid short-term vagaries and daily fluctuations. If you strive too much to adapt, you run a risk of betraying yourself. There is an overwhelming tendency to be over-protective with family members. Nora tschirne may lead to dangerous situations of violence with danger of severe physical and psychological injuries. This degree indicates a strong taste for the practice of weapons, and the possibility to excel in all martial arts. It also endows with the gift for healing animals, especially horses, and often describes an excellent veterinary specialist. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Saturn represents concentration, effort, perseverance, time, the hard reality, inevitable consequences. Earth is its element, it is cold and dry, and it rules Capricorn and Aquarius along with Uranusis in exaltation in Libra and is in analogy with the bones skeleton and the skin. It represents the grandparents, old people, scientists, knowledgeable men, Saturn corresponds to old age; it goes from 70 years old until death. Temperament : Nervous Characterology : Non-Emotive, Active and Secondary type or Emotive, non Active and Secondary type or sometimes Non-Emotive, non Active and Secondary type; it is a Phlegmatic, a Sentimental or an Empathic type Saturn in Libra The planet Saturn symbolizes contraction, effort, time, limitation and concentration. Saturn eliminates anything that is not authentic, sooner or later. It is impossible to cheat him as he gives an irresistible desire to form a coherent whole with oneself, in responsible and wise ways. He is the nora tschirne purifier. He represents our limitations but also our truth. In your natal chart, the house position where Saturn is posited is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, he is a slow planet. Many people born in the same period have Saturn in the same sign. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the so-called fast planets, i. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. Saturn in Libra gives you a serious and solemn nature. You may nora tschirne tough in your contacts: you naturally focus on the essential and you have no concern for the charm you could display. You are irritated by flatteries or by thoughtless compromises. You are genuine and you value justice and authenticity. Saturn Dominant If Saturn is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Saturnian: you gladly leave to other people the decision to take life as it comes. As far as you are concerned, you prefer to take advantage of your experiences in order to discover, to grow, and to question yourself. Nevertheless, nora tschirne kindness may lead to trust unworthy people and thus, to miss good opportunities. One is urged to identify nora tschirne mistakes, learn from them, and start afresh on more suitable bases. Otherwise, life is bound to be precarious and fraught with ordeals and hardships. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Uranus represents individual freedom, originality, independence, marginality, avant guard inspiration, ultra modernism. Fire is its element, it is dry, and it rules Aquarius, is in exaltation with Scorpio and is in analogy with the brain and the nerves. It represents inventors, odd characters, revolutionaries. Temperament : Nervous to the extreme Characterology : Emotive, Active, Secondary type; it is a Passionate type. Uranus in Scorpio The planet Uranus symbolizes originality, independence and cerebral energy bursting suddenly. Uranus triggers the irresistible need for freedom that we have in ourselves. Uranus tends to break the constraints that have become unbearable and gives us the courage and the will to get rid of what has become a burden; when he is well aspected, he also indicates genius. Many people born in the nora tschirne period have Uranus in the same sign. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the so-called fast planets, i. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. The sign positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have a collective meaning. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. Uranus in Scorpio reinforces your sexuality in cerebral and erotic ways, detached from nora tschirne affectivity. nora tschirne Your passions and your emotions may have such a strong mental nature that you may be criticized for your cruelty. Uranus Dominant If Uranus is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Uranian: personal values are prevailing. Inner certainties fuel an inflexible will and a desire to call attention on yourself as well as to follow your beliefs through. This planet prompts you to behave with determination, to put forward your own truth, and to start your personal revolution. More than other people, you are willing to keep some degree of autonomy in all circumstances, and you often display an individualistic nature. In order to achieve your ideal of freedom and independence, you may act like a despot as you try to convince and to impose your views, whether smoothly or forcefully. Regardless of the flexibility of your comportment, some situations demand an absolute firmness as well as uncompromising, frank and straightforward attitudes. People may criticise you for your intransigence and say that you are a hardliner. The most important thing is that you act in all conscience and reach your primary objectives. More than anyone else, you know how to use your willpower and to focus your energy on a precise aim, relentlessly, whatever the consequences might be. In the chapter of qualities, let's mention a definite sense of responsibility, an innovative mind open to techniques and modern ideas, as well as a natural self-discipline which overcomes many an obstacle. Therefore, people are well-advised not to hound you into a corner. Another wolf howls in front of a dead horse. This degree describes all sorts of thieves and crooks, from street pickpockets to large-scale white-collar embezzlers. Anything acquired through reprehensible means is doomed to be lost or stolen, sooner or later. Life is plagued by violence, dishonesty, and accidents, unless the natal chart clearly indicates otherwise. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Neptune represents escapism, impressionability, daydreaming, delusions, carelessness, deception or intuition, dishonesty or nora tschirne, telepathy. Water is its element, it is moist, it rules Pisces, nora tschirne in exaltation in Cancer, though some authors say it is Leo, and is in analogy with the vegetative system. It represents dreamers, mediums, magicians, merchants of illusion, drug addicts. Temperament : rather Lymphatic Characterology : Emotive, non Active, Primary or Secondary type; it is a Sentimental, or sometimes Amorphous type. Neptune in Sagittarius The planet Neptune symbolizes extreme receptivity, intense emotional sharpness, impressionability and inspiration; it is the planet of mediums, mystics and religious faith. Many people born in the same period nora tschirne Neptune in the same sign. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the nora tschirne fast planets, i. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. The sign positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have a collective meaning. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted in many regards. Neptune in Sagittarius may turn you into a monk, a visionary, or an active idealist willing to change the world. Rebellion and inspiration at the service of a sacred cause: here is an example that could describe accurately this planetary configuration. Nora tschirne Dominant If Neptune is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, nora tschirne astrology, you are said to be a Neptunian: your intuition is highly developed. You are of a contemplative nature, and you are particularly receptive to ambiances, places, and people. You gladly cultivate the art of letting-go, and you allow the natural unfolding of events to construct your world. You follow your inspirations, for better or for worse. At times, you display an extraordinary clairvoyance gift. You seem to be able to read your subconscious like a book, and you track down subtle underlying mechanisms, flaws, or open breaches. This innate intuition might explain the strokes of good luck which the Neptunian is sometimes credited with. However, you may also be the victim of illusions and misleading intuitions. You are an idealist, nora tschirne you let your deepest aspirations prevail over the realities of the moment. Then, you set nora tschirne in quest of some quixotic objective, living like a Don Quixote who relentlessly pursues an impossible dream. You have a great talent for psychology and the mysteries of the human soul. Since you instinctively perceive people's intents and motivations, as you swim in the complexity of human nature, you feel in your element. The subtlety of your perceptiveness is the source of both special affections and irrevocable rejections. What is the danger of such a dominant. If it is not offset by other influences in your natal chart, you may not have an iron will. Your trump card is your instinct, which may be developed to the extent that it becomes clairvoyance. One is disheartened by the failure of professional projects and by repeated disappointing romances and friends. Suicidal tendencies can be efficiently offset by physical exercise and the practice of a sport such as tennis, alpinism, or football. Canoeing, fishing, snorkelling, and all water sports must be avoided. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Pluto represents deep transformations, mutations and eliminations, sexuality and magnetism, power and secrets, destruction with a view to regeneration, the phoenix rising from the ashes. Its element is indefinite; burning like lava in fusion. It represents dictators, sadistic people, violent characters, is instinctive and powerful but also mysterious with hidden strengths. Temperament : rather Bilious Characterology : Emotive or non-Emotive, Active, Primary type; it is a Passionate Choleri typec. Pluto in Libra The planet Pluto symbolizes deep disruptions and upheavals, domination and sexual instincts, and the inner power we have in ourselves. Pluto destroys in order to reconstruct and he provokes painful crises that are needed in metamorphosis. It is the hidden and unconscious violence that can explode in us with incredible intensity before being projected in our actions; in itself, the planet is not negative: the might and the intensity of its energy are beyond the conceivable but it can be funnelled. Pluto is the only possibility we have at our disposal to overcome our inner blocks and to eliminate outgrown situations that have become inextricable. Pluto allows to reconstruct and to regenerate parts of our personality or whole stretches of our life, provided that we manage to funnel his wild energy and to step back. It is impossible to tame this energy, given its essence. However, it nora tschirne possible to take advantage of it for a precise aim, through a temporary identification of some parts of us with this energy. In such a case, the outcome is our final evolution and even, our transformation. Many people born in the same period have Pluto in the same sign. This is the reason why the sign occupied here is less meaningful than when it is occupied by the so-called fast planets, i. Therefore, some caution is to be exercised as you read what follows. The sign positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have a collective meaning. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. Pluto in Libra intensifies your charisma and… your domination. Yet, you influence your entourage in charming and magnetic ways. Pluto Dominant If Pluto is part of your natal chart's planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to nora tschirne a Plutonian: you sometimes feel like a foreigner who does not belong to the world, to its laws, and its concerns. The rules of life in society are not necessarily yours. You are interested in what is unknown and in the subtle laws of a hidden order. So, you take malicious pleasure nora tschirne ridiculing the patterns you find too simplistic or too rigid. You also revel in underlining the limits of explanations you deem too common. There is something unconventional about the way you are, the way you think, and the way you act. What is your specificity made of. Is it an extraordinary partner. A life off the beaten path. Or do you only distance yourself from conventional morals. In any case, you have the feeling, sometimes quite vague, that you come from nowhere, and that you do not belong to any definite group. In short, it means that you cannot be simplified in order to conform to existing models. The gap between you and ordinary mortals is also an element of your strength. Your deep clear-sightedness, firstly, enables you to put things into perspective and to grant them only the attention they deserve. Your other remarkable asset is your capacity to intervene from behind the scenes, to secretly organise events, and to bring about the desirable outcome without seeming to impose or to dictate anything. However, you must still overcome one of the major difficulties of this dominant, which is to get people to accept your difference and to smoothly fit into your environment. As one readily flaunts one's wealth, one is bound to be taken advantage of by friends and relatives. However, since one is intelligent and hard-working, one manages to be successful and to achieve power. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Chiron is almost renowned and used everywhere. Consequently, Chiron is of Saturn's nature and at the same time is influenced by Uranus, the first slow-moving planet. Like all the secondary bodies, it must be in close conjunction with planets or angles in order to fully express its action. Ceres, the biggest of the four minor asteroids used besides Chiron, is associated with the mythological goddess of growing plants and harvest and also symbolizes physical constitution, vitality and fertility. She's also nora tschirne as Demeter, according to the astrologer Zipporah Dobyns, linked to the symbolism of the nora tschirne but in a less emotive and more physical way than the Moon. Ceres is thought to be the ruler of Virgo, in exaltation in Gemini, in exile in Pisces and in fall in Sagittarius. Keywords associated with Ceres could be order, practical sense, worry, precision, modesty, method, sobriety, motherhood, fertility, the Earth: a kind of a more cerebral Moon. The North Node True Node here represents the goals that must be achieved during life, in the karmic sense according to some traditions. Its position in house indicates in what field an effort is necessary in order to evolve. The North Node is often called the Dragon's head, it is usually considered beneficial, a bit like Jupiter with the planets. The Lunar nodes are fictional points and not actual heavenly bodies: they are the intersections of the Moon with the Ecliptic the path made by the Sun in its orbit as seen from the Earth. The axis of the Lunar nodes moves 19 degrees each year, namely a bit more than three minutes each day. The South Node is diametrically opposed to the North Node, therefore it faces it it's not drawn here, it's the same symbol but upside down. It symbolizes what has already been achieved or acquired, in a karmic sense: it's the past from which it's advised to move on in order to progress. The South Nora tschirne is rather negative, of a Saturnian nature: the experience through suffering. One displays loose morals in both private and business matters. If the natal chart shows strong probity, then this degree indicates that faith is tremendously helpful in overcoming ordeals caused by twists of fate. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Lilith or the Dark Moon True Lilith here represents the uncrossable threshold, taboos, the individual's provocative and fascinating side, including nora tschirne a sexual level. The keywords for Lilith can be sterility, sadism, perversity, castration, sadomasochism, eroticism, orgasm, forbidden fantasies, marginality, cruelty; redemption, illumination, rebelliousness. Lilith's opposite point is called Priapus; it is the Lunar perigee, the position where the Moon is closest to the Earth. It symbolizes man's primitive nature, the horror hidden in our deepest self; masochism, extreme sensuality, impulsiveness, irrationality and excess. Physically speaking, the Dark Moon is the focal point unoccupied by the Earth: it is not a concrete body but a mathematical point. One is a loner, and even with family members and friends, one instinctively keeps one's distance. However, one's intelligence, trustworthiness, and courage win people's respect and affection. This degree indicates success and steady wealth. It also gives the taste for travels. Their interpretation must be regarded with the utmost caution, especially given the fact that different authors give different meanings to symbolic degrees. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. The Part of Nora tschirne is an ancient concept, used by Ptolemy and other astrologers before him. Firstly, it has nothing to do with fortune. In modern astrology, it is actually used to enhance a planet or angle when in close conjunction with it: it thus amplifies the meaning associated to the point affected by its presence. We currently use the latter formula for our astrological programmes. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others, and also one's health. It corresponds to the way the individual acts in the world. It is the image of the personality seen by others and the person's visible behaviour expressed nora tschirne. The 1st House is in analogy with Aries and thus Mars too, and then the Sun. It is an angular house, the most important one with the Midheaven, maybe even more so due to its link with the body and health. The Tenth House still called the Midheaven, is the highest point amidst the houses, at the top of the chart, in the South, and relates to destiny in general and career and not daily work as meant by the Sixth House. The Midheaven represents our achievements and goals in the social sphere, our social position in society, and becomes more and more important as we get older. It is in analogy with Capricorn and Saturn. The Tenth House is the most important angular house along with the Ascendant. The First House or Ascendant represents one's behaviour in the eyes of others and also one's health. It corresponds to the way the individual acts in the world. It is the image of the personality as seen by others and the person's visible behaviour expressed outwardly. The 1st House is in analogy with Aries and thus Mars too and then the Sun. It is an angular house, the most important one with the Midheaven, maybe even more so due to its link with the body and health; the Ascendant is as important as the Sun in a natal chart. The Third House is the sphere of social and intellectual apprenticeship, studies, relationships with close people and surroundings, short trips, light-hearted and quick contacts, correspondences. It is in analogy with Gemini and Mercury. It's a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones. The Sixth House is the sphere of apprenticeship and effort in the work environment, daily life, health on a daily basis and not operations or long-term diseases, relationships with co-workers or subordinates, desire for improvement, analysis and detail. It is in analogy with Virgo and Mercury. It is a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones. The Eighth House is the sphere of emotional security, the depths of the self, secrets and paranormal, transcendence, sexuality, mysteries, upheavals, surgical operations, others' money investments, inheritancescrises, transformation after evolution, death. It is in analogy with Scorpio and Pluto, and Mars to a lesser extent. It is a succedent and quite important house. The Ninth House is the sphere of high studies, both physical and mental journeys philosophy, spiritualityrebelliousness, changes of scenery, desire for dealing with the unknown. It is in analogy with Sagittarius and Jupiter. It is a cadent house, less important than the angular and succedent ones. The Vertex, sometimes called counter-Ascendant, is a fictitious point which is at the intersection of two great circles, the Ecliptic and the great vertical circle Prime Vertical in the West of the birthplace, linking the East, the Zenith, the West, and the Nadir. It is always located in the West of the chart around the Descendant. It is the chart's fifth angle, so to speak, less important than the other angles. Its interpretation is controversial, because certain astrologers pay no attention to it. The Vertex is sometimes considered to be the second Descendant because, like the latter, it is related to communication and exchanges. It has to do with associations and fated encounters, those that are not chosen, and reveals the type of sensitivity and reactivity we have in our dealings with other people: a refined and tolerant way in Libra, straightforward and spontaneous in Aries, etc. The East Point is a fictitious point at the intersection of two great circles, the Ecliptic and the great vertical circle Prime Vertical in the East of the birthplace, linking the East, the Zenith, nora tschirne West, and the Nadir. It is always located in the East of the chart, around the Ascendant. The East Point is sometimes considered to be a second Ascendant, less important, but also related to how one is seen by other people, and to how one expresses one's personality. Cupido is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. On the upside, Cupido is related to socialisation, the arts, and marital life. On the downside, it indicates vanity, addiction to pleasures, and being strongly influenced by groups of people. Hades is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Hades corresponds to intellectual rigour, service rendered to people, the purpose of being useful. On the downside; it leads to carelessness, indifference, apathy, and mess. Zeus is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Zeus is related to creativity, as well as to organisational and leadership capacities. On the downside, it may lead to aggressiveness and to excessive militancy. Kronos is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Kronos is related to authority and cleverness. In tough aspect, it may make the person conceited, presumptuous, or elitist. Apollon is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Apollon is related to the ability to synthesise, as well as to broad-mindedness, and fame. In difficult aspect, it may bring about superficiality or extravagance. Admetos is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Admetos is related to the deepness of the mind, asceticism, simplicity, and analytical mind. In tough aspect, it may make the person nit-picking, inflexible, and narrow-minded. nora tschirne Vulcanus is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of nora tschirne famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Vulcanus, sometimes said to be the higher octave of Saturn, provides strength to improve collective relations, to structure things, to be efficient, and to get straight to the point. On the downside, he may bring about arrogance and scattered efforts. Poseidon is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet, the existence of which is not proven. It was invented by Alfred Witte, founder of the famous Hamburg School, and by his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. Poseidon brings about wisdom, a clear mind, and sometimes spirituality. On the downside, it may make the person dogmatic, manipulative, or out of touch with reality. Proserpina, sometimes referred to as Persephone, is a trans-Plutonian hypothetical planet. Proserpina is related to mysteries, revival and reconstruction, as well as cycles. She enriches the unconscious, and gives the possibility to combine modern life with spirituality, the East with the West, and mysticism with concrete life. Early life Nora Tschirner was born in East Germany to the documentary film director Joachim Tschirner and the radio journalist Waltraud Tschirner. She grew up with her two older brothers in the East Berlin suburb Pankow. She attended John-Lennon-Gymnasium in Berlin, as did Sarah Kuttner, with whom she is friends. She completed her abitur at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Oberschule in Pankow. Astrological portrait of Nora Tschirner excerpt Disclaimer: these short excerpts of astrological charts are computer processed. They nora tschirne, by no means, of a personal nature. This principle is valid for the 54,935 celebrities included in our database. These texts provide the meanings of planets, or combination of planets, in signs and in houses, as well as the interpretations of planetary dominants in line with modern Western astrology rules. Moreover, since Astrotheme is not a polemic website, no negative aspect which may damage the good reputation of a nora tschirne is posted here, unlike in the nora tschirne astrological portrait. Introduction Here are some character traits from Nora Tschirner's birth chart. In a matter of minutes, you can get at your email address approximately 32 pagesa much more comprehensive report than this portrait of Nora Tschirner. The dominant planets of Nora Tschirner When interpreting a natal chart, the best method is to start gradually from general features to specific ones. Thus, there is usually a plan to be followed, from the overall analysis of the chart and its structure, to the description of its different character traits. In the first part, an overall analysis of the chart enables nora tschirne to figure out the personality's main features and to emphasize several points that are confirmed or not in the detailed analysis: in any case, those general traits are taken into account. Human personality is an infinitely intricate entity and describing it is a complex task. Claiming to rapidly summarize it is illusory, although it does not mean that it is an impossible challenge. It is essential to read a natal chart several times in order to absorb all its different meanings and to grasp all this complexity. But the exercise is worthwhile. In brief, a natal chart is composed of ten planets: two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, three fast-moving or individual planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, two slow-moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and three very slow-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Additional secondary elements are: the Lunar Nodes, the Dark Moon or Lilith, Chiron and other minor objects. They are all posited on the Zodiac wheel consisting of twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces, and divided into twelve astrological houses. The first step is to evaluate the importance of each planet. This is what we call identifying the dominant planets. This process obeys rules that depend on the astrologer's sensitivity and experience but it also has precise and steady bases: thus, we can take into account the parameters of a planet's activity the number of active aspects a planet forms, the importance of each aspect according to its nature and its exactnessangularity parameters; proximity to the four angles, Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant and Imum Coeli or Nadir, all of them being evaluated numerically, according to the kind of angle and the planet-angle distance and quality parameters rulership, exaltation, exile and fall. Finally, nora tschirne criteria such as the rulership of the Ascendant and the Midheaven etc. These different criteria allow a planet to be highlighted and lead to useful conclusions when interpreting the chart. The overall chart analysis begins with the observation of three sorts of planetary distributions in the chart: Eastern or Western hemisphere, Northern or Southern hemisphere, and quadrants North-eastern, North-western, South-eastern and South-western. These three distributions give a general tone in terms of introversion and nora tschirne, willpower, sociability, and behavioural predispositions. Then, there are three additional distributions: elements called triplicity since there are three groups of signs for each nora tschirne - Fire, Air, Earth and Water - corresponding to a character typology, modality or quadruplicity with four groups of signs for each one - Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable - and polarity Yin and Yang. There are three types of dominants: dominant planets, dominant signs and dominant houses. It is actually far more complex. Thus, a particular planet's influence may be nora tschirne increased; a particular sign or house may contain a group of planets that will bring nuances and sometimes weaken the role of the Ascendant, of the Sun sign etc. Lastly, there are two other nora tschirne accentuations angular, succedent and cadent which are a classification of astrological houses and types of decanates that are occupied each sign is divided into three decanates of ten degrees each. They provide some additional informations. These general character traits must not be taken literally; they are, somehow, preparing for the chart reading. They allow to understand the second part of the analysis, which is more detailed and precise. It focuses on every area of the personality and provides a synthesis of all the above-mentioned parameters according to sound hierarchical rules. Warning: when the birth time is unknown, which is the case for Nora Tschirner, a few paragraphs become irrelevant; distributions in hemispheres and quadrants are meaningless, so are dominant houses and houses' accentuations. Therefore, some chapters are removed from this part. For all paragraphs, the criteria for valuation are calculated without taking into account angles and rulerships of the Ascendant and of the Midheaven. The methodology retains its validity, but it is less precise without a time of birth. Elements and Modes for Nora Tschirner Cheers for communication and mobility, Nora Tschirner. The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real travels or symbolic new ideas, mind speculations. You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism. The predominance of Water signs indicates high sensitivity and elevation through feelings, Nora Tschirner. You need to love in order to understand, and to feel in order to take action, to the detriment of a certain vulnerability against which you should learn to fight. Fire's qualities are not very present in your chart, with only 5. You may look indifferent to others, with almost no desire, no joy of life or no enterprising ability. Actually, it is not true, but you should let go, force yourself to be more daring, and show nora tschirne amazement as well as your vitality. You certainly have as much energy as others, you just need to release it, and it is up to you to display more of it, since it will be all to your benefit: shout, sing, pull faces, dance. That's the right mean for you. In the end, you'll never be accused of being sad, phlegmatic or a killjoy. Earth qualities are under-represented in your chart, with only 0. Deficiency in Earth may indicate that you have no interest in material and concrete values. It is likely that you live too much in your heart or in your mind, or even in your enthusiasm. The fact remains that you may end up in tricky situations, due to your lack of good sense or forethought: material life is unavoidable even if you are rather idealistic, dreamy, or easily content. You must tackle concrete life necessities, for fear of. The twelve zodiacal signs are split up into three groups or modes, called quadruplicities, a learned word meaning only that these three groups include four signs. The Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable modes are more or less represented in your natal chart, depending on planets' positions and importance, and on angles in the twelve signs. Nora Tschirner, the Cardinal mode is dominant here and indicates a predisposition to action, and more exactly, to impulsion and to undertake: you are very keen to implement the plans you have in mind, to get things going and to create them. This is the most important aspect that inspires enthusiasm and adrenalin in you, without which you can grow weary rapidly. You are individualistic maybe too much. You let others strengthen and improve the constructions which you built with fervour. Dominants: Planets, Signs and Houses for Nora Tschirner The issue of dominant planets has existed since the mists of time in astrology: how nice it would be if a person could be described with a few words and one or several planets that would represent their character, without having to analyse such elements as rulerships, angularities, houses, etc. The ten planets - the Sun throughout Pluto - are a bit like ten characters in a role-play, each one has its own personality, its own way of acting, its own strengths and weaknesses. They actually represent a classification into ten distinct personalities, and astrologers have always tried to associate one or several dominant planets to a natal chart as well as dominant signs and houses. Indeed, it is quite the same situation with signs and houses. If planets symbolize characters, signs represent hues - the mental, emotional and physical structures of an individual. The sign in which a planet is posited is like a character whose features are modified according to the place where he lives. In a chart, there are usually one, two or three highlighted signs that allow to rapidly describe its owner. Regarding astrological houses, the principle is even simpler: the twelve houses correspond to twelve fields of life, and planets tenanting any given house increase that house's importance and highlight all relevant life departments: it may be marriage, work, friendship nora tschirne. In your natal chart, Nora Tschirner, the ten main planets are distributed as follows: The three most important planets in your chart are Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter. Saturn is part of your dominant planets: among the facets of your character, you have a grave and serious side, wise and somewhat severe, since your concentration can be powerful to the detriment of carelessness and friendliness. You often look austere, but it is only an appearance, a kind of modesty or reserve; however, it is true that the Saturnian, who is fond of time, effort, asceticism, rigour and sobriety, may have popularity issues. Nevertheless, honesty and straightforwardness, reliability, as well as slow, wise and deep mental process, although not very popular and visible qualities, eventually become noticed and appreciated. Saturnians' second part of life is usually easier and more fulfilling. Like the Jupiterian, your Saturnian facet prompts you to seek the essential, security, and longevity. Saturn, like Jupiter, symbolizes social integration, and it is usually considered positive to have a harmonic Jupiter and Saturn in one's chart because of their social adaptation capacities. Your vulnerability lies in your too serious and austere side, which may lead to unwanted loneliness and affective frustration. This generally does not last because Saturnians often hide deep down a golden heart that ends up revealing itself. Uranus among your dominant planets: just like Neptune and Pluto, Uranian typology is less clearly defined than the so-called classical seven planets that are visible to the naked eye, from the Sun to Saturn. However, it is possible to associate your Uranian nature with a few clear characteristics: Uranus rhymes with independence, freedom, originality, or even rebelliousness and marginality, when things go wrong. Uranus is Mercury's higher octave and as such, he borrows some of its traits of character; namely, a tendency to intellectualize situations and emotions with affective detachment, or at least jagged affectivity. Therefore, you are certainly a passionate woman who is on the lookout for any nora tschirne of action or revolutionary idea, and you are keen on new things. Uranians are never predictable, and it is especially when they are believed to be stable and well settled that. In fact, you are allergic to any kind of routine, although avoiding it must give way to many risks. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, organization, power and benevolence, is quite emphasized in your chart. Like any Jupiterian, you are warm, open, sociable, consensual, active and optimistic. You can use your self-confidence to erase differences of opinion, and nora tschirne leave the task of analyzing and perfecting things to specialists. Your role, and nora tschirne know it since you were young, is to gather, to demonstrate your synthesizing and conciliatory mind, and to naturally reap its fruits - power. You appreciate legality, social order but also order in general. With nora tschirne as a leader, every plan or human entity can be organized and structured. Nora tschirne Jupiterian type is indeed the politician par excellence, and a positive Jupiter in your chart is synonymous with good integration into society, whatever the chosen path. Is this idyllic picture really perfect. Certainly not: each planet's typology has its own weaknesses. One of yours is pride, like the Solarian, but your will of expansion at all costs may generate a form of exaggeration in everything, endless pleasure, inappropriate self-confidence that could lead you to rough materialism and the thirst for absurd material comfort - in the worst cases, of course. In your natal chart, the three most important signs - according to criteria mentioned above - are in decreasing order of strength Libra, Gemini and Cancer. In general, these signs are important because your Ascendant or your Sun is located there. But this is not always the case: there may be a cluster of planets, or a planet may be near an angle other than the Midheaven or Ascendant. It may also be because two or three planets are considered to be very active because they form numerous aspects from these signs. Thus, you display some of the three signs' characteristics, a bit like a superposition of features on the rest nora tschirne your chart, and it is all the more so if the sign is emphasized. With Libra as a dominant sign in your birth chart, you love to please, to charm, and to be likeable. Moreover, you are naturally inclined towards tolerance and moderation, as well as elegance and tact, as if you were meant to please. Of course, you always find malcontents who criticize your lack of authenticity or of courage and your half-heartedness, but your aim is to be liked, and in this field, you are an unrivalled champion. With Gemini as a dominant sign, your qualities include being lively, curious, mobile, clever, and flexible: you often make others dizzy, and you may come across as a dilettante - a bit inquisitive, shallow, and insensitive because you may be too intellectualizing. However, your natural curiosity, a nice quality, and your quick humour, allow you to demonstrate to everyone how much they may gain from your company, and that your apparent flightiness hides an appetite particularly mental for life, which itself conceals a terrific charm. Cancer is one of your dominant signs and endows you with imagination and exceptionally shrewd sensitivity. Although suspicious at first sight - and even at second. Actually, you are a poetess and if you are sometimes blamed for your nostalgia and your laziness, it is because your intense inner life is at full throttle. After this paragraph about dominant planets, of Nora Tschirner, here are the character traits that you must read more carefully than the previous texts since they are very specific: the texts about dominant planets only give background information about the personality and remain quite general: they emphasize or, on the contrary, mitigate different particularities or facets of a personality. A human being is a complex whole and only bodies of texts can attempt to successfully figure out all the finer points. The Moon in Libra: her sensitivity You are sensitive to beauty, Nora Tschirner, and your emotional reactions are often of an aesthetical order nora tschirne, even in the appearances, balance and harmony are necessary for your well being. You easily identify with nora tschirne, you have a talent for emphasizing their best qualities and you solve their problems with tact and diplomacy. You endlessly weigh the pros and the cons and you constantly try to please your interlocutors. In doing so, you may develop a strong dependency because you need their approval too much. It is difficult for you and your entourage to deal with your indecisiveness because it inclines you towards contemplation more than towards creation and you are tempted to procrastinate unless you try to charm others into doing things for you. But as long as harmony prevails. Mercury in Cancer: her intellect and social life Your intelligence is sensitive and delicate, with good comprehension abilities, Nora Tschirner, which endows you with a strong intuition and receptivity. To you, impressions and feelings prevail over facts and your excellent selective memory is not cluttered with useless elements. Although you are not aware, your fertile imagination may lead you to change your daily reality so that it matches your dreams better. If you are creative, you may make use of your imagination in literary pursuits where you can freely invent beautiful nora tschirne taking place in the past. Your passion for History is such that you may immerse yourself into it with too much nostalgia and therefore, you may miss opportunities the present offers to design projects and to think of the future. Venus in Cancer and the Sun in Gemini: her affectivity and seductiveness In your chart, the Sun is in Gemini and Venus, in Cancer. It is difficult to imagine a more complementary — and opposite — combination of solar and Venusian signs. Gemini discovers, whereas Cancer integrates. The former implies a communication function and the latter, a protection function. It influences your affectivity with the paradoxical character proper to any double-faced configuration: love is just a game, but a trapping nora tschirne. There is a strong inclination for novelty, comedy and whims. Without these ingredients, your love life would be very dull. You respond to flirting and to the entertainments offered by your seduction. However, you do not allow everybody into your affective realm. This is a restricted and valued area. Indeed, despite appearances, despite your real capacity to exchange and to communicate, your affectivity is particularly selective and you are comfortable only with people whom you know well and with whom you naturally feel in harmony. You may get caught in your own traps: your ever searching soul, your eagerness for experiences and discoveries, but also, your need for a slowly maturing, isolated and privileged relationship. In addition, you have a very unusual romantic trend that flavours your sentimental life with salt, sugar and… pepper. You are sensitive, vulnerable and tender at the same time, Nora Tschirner. When you love, you give your entire affection and your partner may in all confidence rely on a long-lasting and reassuring relationship. You are so calm and so tender that you think nora tschirne it is enough to win over your partner's heart, and you are often right. However, do not mix up giving and receiving. You so deeply need to receive love in return that you may be too passive and in the long run, as you become demanding, you may show immaturity. Security and sustainability in your relationship are of utmost importance. Your family also is important, it is nora tschirne refuge, even the sanctuary, where you like you hide when things go awry. You also dream of nora tschirne, may be too much, and it may be detrimental to what might be concretely experienced if you were more dynamic or less fearful to get hurt. However, remember that you receive only as much as you give. The Sun in Gemini: her will and inner motivations Your mobility is such that you are in every place where you are not expected. You spend lots of time asking questions and… answering them. Your curiosity and your quick-wittedness are insatiable. Your mind is in constant turmoil, hopping from one topic to another, solving problems, accumulating anecdotes and knowledge within a short range of time. Your mobility is mostly mental, it takes you afar and turns your daily life into a mosaic of intense and pleasant moments that are not necessarily related to one another… As you are born under this sign, you are nervous, expressive, lively and adaptable, with a quick mind and a good sense of humour. You are bubbling, playful, sociable, clever, curious, whimsical, independent, intellectual, flexible, ingenious, fanciful, imaginative, charming, nora tschirne, and you are into everything. You may also be whimsical, unfocused, quirky, superficial, indiscreet, opportunist, unmindful, selfish, sarcastic or mercurial. In love, Madam, you are full of intelligence and liveliness. The more complex they are, the more numerous the contacts, the better. It is not a matter of vice, but only of voluptuous pleasure of the instant. If they do not take place at the same time, your amorous encounters may be short-lived. But their number is very considerable because you constantly want to keep boredom and monotony at bay and you frantically run away from any source of peace and calm. You nora tschirne probably marry more than once. For you, the Sun symbolizes first the father then the husband: Gemini being a double sign, and your father being unique, it is likely that you will have two or more husbands. However, this is not a fatality and the rest of your chart can easily tell you more. Mars in Gemini: her ability to take action Nora Tschirner, your mental activity is nora tschirne. Ideas are buzzing at high speed and you have the ability to think of several different things and to simultaneously process them. You are cerebral and curious and your sexuality is filled with fantasies, where pleasant ideas are mixed up with amplifying and enriching desires. Therefore, you are nora tschirne simple but if your partner follows you, the stake is really worth it. Verbal jousting, the pleasure to debate and to nora tschirne are continuous, nora tschirne you. The only danger is to irritate people who may not have your swiftness or your sense of humour. Conclusion This text is only an excerpt from of Nora Tschirner's portrait. We hope that it will arouse your curiosity, and that it will prompt you to deepen your knowledge of astrology, as well as to visit and use the wide range of free applications at. Astrological studies describe many of the character traits and they sometimes go deeper into the understanding of a nora tschirne. Please, always keep in mind that human beings are continuously evolving and that many parts of our psychological structures are likely to be expressed later, after having undergone significant life's experiences. It is advised to read a portrait with hindsight in order to appreciate its astrological content. Under this condition, you will be able to take full advantage of this type of study. The analysis of an astrological portrait consists in understanding four types of elements which interact with one another: ten planets, twelve zodiacal signs, twelve houses, and what are called aspects between planets the 11 aspects most commonly used are: conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile, quincunx, semi-sextile, sesqui-quadrate, quintile and bi-quintile. The first 5 aspects enumerated are called major aspects. Planets represent typologies of our human psychology: sensitivity, affectivity, ability to undertake, will-power, mental process, aptitude, and taste for communication etc. They will then enrich the quality of these typologies, as expressed by the planets. The Zodiac is also divided into twelve astrological houses. This makes sense only if the birth time is known because within a few minutes, the twelve houses including the 1st one, the Ascendant change significantly. They correspond to twelve specific spheres of life: external behaviour, material, social and family life, relationship, home, love life, daily work, partnership, etc. Each planet located in any given house will then act according to the meaning of its house, and a second colouration again enriches those active forces that the planets nora tschirne. Finally, relations will settle among planets, creating a third structure, which nora tschirne the planets' basic meanings. A set of ancient rules, which has stood the test of experience over hundreds of years although astrology is in evolution, only reliable elements are integrated into classical studiesare applied to organize the whole chart into a hierarchy and to allow your personality to be interpreted by texts. The planets usually analysed are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which means two luminaries the Sun and the Moon and 8 planets, a total of 10 planets. Additional secondary elements may be taken into account, such as asteroids Chiron, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres especially Chiron, more well-knownthe Lunar nodes, the Dark Moon or Lilith, and even other bodies: astrology is a discipline on the move. Astrological studies, including astrological portrait, compatibility of couples, predictive work, and horoscopes evolve and become more accurate or nora tschirne, as time goes by. Precision: concerning the horoscopes with a known time of birth, according to the Tradition, we consider that a planet near the beginning called cuspide of the next house less than 2 degrees for the Ascendant and the Midheaven, and less than 1 degree for all other houses belongs to this house: our texts and dominants take this rule into account. You can also choose not to take this shift into account in the form, and also tick the option Koch or Equal houses system instead of Placidus, the default houses system. Warning: In order to avoid any confusion and any possible controversy, we want to draw your attention upon the fact that this sample of celebrities is very complete and therefore, it also includes undesirable people, since every category is represented: beside artists, musicians, politicians, lawyers, professional soldiers, poets, writers, singers, explorers, scientists, academics, religious figures, saints, philosophers, sages, astrologers, mediums, sportsmen, chess champions, famous victims, historical characters, members of royal families, models, painters, sculptors, and comics authors or other actual celebrities, there are also famous murderers, tyrants and dictators, serial-killers, or other characters whose image is very negative, often rightly so. The positive side of each personality is deliberately stressed. Negative sides have been erased here - it is not the same in our comprehensive reports on sale - because it could hurt the families of such people. We are hoping that it will not rebound on the victims' side. Numerology: Birth Path of Nora Tschirner Testimonies to numerology are found in the most ancient civilizations and show that numerology pre-dates astrology. This discipline considers the name, the surname, and the date of birth, and ascribes a meaning to alphabetic letters according to the numbers which symbolise them. The path of life, based on the date of birth, provides indications on the kind of destiny which one is meant to experience. It is one of the elements that must reckoned with, along with the expression number, the active number, the intimacy number, the achievement number, the hereditary number, the dominant numbers or the lacking numbers, or also the area of expression, etc. Your Birth Path: Your Life Path is influenced by the number 1, Nora, which often prompts you to have an active and sometimes original life. You need to learn to manage your life with a strong willpower while using your own resources. It is most likely that you reach the best of your possibilities if nora tschirne choose a free-lance occupation, or anything which allows a lot of nora tschirne initiatives. You really need freedom of action. You prefer to innovate rather than to follow the trend, and to create rather than limiting your activities to repetitive tasks. Thus, your life may be theatre of spectacular twists and turns, all the more so because the more you progress, the more your indecisiveness fades away. In such conditions, it is necessary that you strive to maintain a minimal degree of stability in the course of your life. Nora Tschirner was born under the sign of the Rooster, element Metal Chinese astrology is brought to us as a legacy of age-old wisdom and invites us to develop an awareness of our inner potential. It is believed that the wise man is not subjected to stellar influences. However, we must gain the lucidity and the distance without which we remain locked up in an implacable destiny. According to the legend of the Circle of Animals, Buddha summoned all the animals to bid them farewell before he left our world. Only twelve species answered Buddha's call. They form the Chinese Zodiac and symbolize the twelve paths of wisdom that are still valid nowadays. The Asian wise man considers that a path is neither good nor bad. One can and must develop one's potentialities. The first step is to thoroughly know oneself. You hate to go unnoticed. With a touch of vanity in your soul, you are fond of situations that allow you to highlight your qualities and your plans. You have a fundamental optimism that generally earns you your entourage's support. This sign indicates ambition and facilitates integration and social achievement. The desire to earn general consideration prompts you to behave with liveliness, joviality and benevolence. The only dark cloud on this idyllic picture: a certain opportunism. As you strive to earn each and everyone's esteem, you risk to compromise yourself. Nevertheless, this sign remains a factor of success: most often, you are able to adjust your objectives to the context and to whatever the situation may nora tschirne or, on the contrary, you influence events in order to make your ideals come true. Better than anyone else, you nora tschirne to become the centre of attention, to highlight your good disposition, to surprise, even to impress. You are careful about your image and you do not shrink from any sacrifice in order to appear to be up to all situations. Nevertheless, your attachments are not superficial. The Rooster is credited with the capacity to be present whenever a crisis arises and to remain faithful to his friends, under all circumstances. Chinese astrology has five elements, which are referred to as agents: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. You have a deep affinity with the agent Metal. In China, this element corresponds to the planet Venus, the white colour and the number 9. Your nature is individualistic and determined, and you seldom shrink from obstacles. nora tschirne The only advice that can be given to you is to show more flexibility and diplomacy. Moreover, life's pitfalls often stimulate you. On the other hand, nora tschirne are acknowledged for your decisiveness which commands admiration. You follow your ideas through, discarding external opinions and viewpoints and you bring your enterprises to a successful conclusion, even if it means that you go it alone. Your decisions are so inflexible and your choices, so final, that your intransigence may bring about a few setbacks. Therefore, it is important that you develop the tolerance that you are naturally lacking. It is only at this price that you can achieve a harmonious social and intimate life. The prevailing features are your persuasion powers, a faith that moves many a mountain and overcomes the most resistant obstacles. But so many struggles looming. Nonetheless, these analyses remain accurate in any case. Regarding the sources of the birth data in our possession, kindly note that the pages we publish constitute a starting point for more detailed research, even though they seem useful to us. When the sources are contradictory, which occurs rarely, after having analysed them, we choose the most reliable one. nora tschirne Sometimes, we publish a birth date just because nora tschirne is made available, but we do not claim that is it the best one, by no means.
Schulz & Böhmermann - Staffel 1 Episode 2 - 17.01.2016
The Sun represents vitality, individuality, will-power and creative energy and honours. With you as a leader, every plan or human entity can be organized and structured. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very highlighted. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. This is the reason why they are not included in our Astrotheme reports. Temperament : Sanguine and Lymphatic Characterology : Emotive, non Active and Primary type or Emotive, non Active and Secondary type.

Was meinen männer wenn sie sagen ich mag dich
15 Sätze, die Männer sagen
❤️ Click here: Was meinen männer wenn sie sagen ich mag dich
Wenden Sie sich auch ruhig an ihn, wenn mal wieder ein Regal montiert oder etwas im Haushalt erneuert werden muss. Er strahlt, wenn Sie in seiner Nähe sind Dieser Punkt ist derjenige, weshalb es Außenstehende oft viel eher merken, dass jemand verliebt ist. Allerdings nicht in deinem Sinne.
Oder haste tatsächlich geglaubt, ich würde für dich meine Frau und die Kids verlassen? Sie sagen, dass man Liebe in kleinen Happen und Stücken zeigen sollte, denn ich soll erst meine Schule machen und erst danach an die Liebe denken.
25 Wege, wie Sie ohne Worte „Ich liebe sagen können - Nur weil man jemandem sagt, dass man ihn liebt, muss das noch lange nicht der Wahrheit entsprechen. Ich hab heute keine Lust auf einen Pärchenabend.
Ladys, die Männerwelt ist kompliziert. Jedes einzelne Wort in tausende Stücke zerlegen, oder doch lieber den Kopf ausschalten. Man kann sich niemals sicher sein, ob etwas so gemeint ist, wie es gesagt wird. Hierzu haben wir zehn Fakts über das, was Männer zu ihren Homies sagen und was sie wirklich. Die Maybe-Generation von heute ist kompliziert. Mal ja, mal nein - ach bitte, wir sind doch keine sechzehn mehr. Als Frauen haben wir es leider nicht immer ganz so leicht. Grundsätzlich muss man wissen: Männer sprechen in Codes. Die klare Aussprache von Dingen fällt ihnen äußerst schwer Ach Guys, hierzu sprechen wir unser höchstes Beileid aus. Was sagen Männer zu Freunden und was meinen sie damit wirklich. Warum sagt er das: Er will Diskussionen mit seinen Kumpels aus dem Weg gehen und alles simpel und einfach halten. Warum sagt er das: Er ist sich immer unsicher über seine Gefühle und will nicht gleich zugeben wie sehr er uns mag Ja ja, bloß nicht sentimental werden. Warum er das sagt: Nicht alle Männer enthüllen gern Details über ihre Eroberungen. Warum er das sagt: Weil er nicht nur Wert auf das Äußere legt. Warum er das sagt: Um deutlich zu machen, dass er nicht mehr klar denken konnte und eine schlechte Entscheidung getroffen hat. Warum er das sagt: Weil er mal wieder zu feige ist und einen einfachen Ausstieg aus der Situation sucht. Warum er das sagt: Weil er nicht will, dass seine Freunde denken er hätte einen Rückfall. Warum er das sagt: Weil Männer Ablehnungen nicht vertragen und so viel wie möglich von den Umständen ablenken wollen. Warum er das sagt: Er fühlt es, aber will es nicht ganz zugeben Liebe Männer: Keine Angst vor Gefühlen!.
Kann man ZU OFT „ICH LIEBE DICH“ sagen?
Zuhören zählt nicht unbedingt zu den männlichen Stärken, das weiß er. In der Typologie erfahren Sie mehr dazu! Frauen hinterfragen vieles, sie wollen verstehen und diskutieren. Möglich ist aber auch, wenn er Ihnen beispielsweise beim Kochen helfen will, dass ihm selbst der Magen knurrt. Mit dem einen habe ich mehrere Jahre zusammen Sport gemacht und der andere war meine erste große Liebe, den ich nun nach 4 Jahren der Trennung weder kontaktiert hatte, weil wir nun wieder in der gleichen Stadt lebten.